Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Return!

Don't call it a comeback.

Firstly, I apologize for my sudden disappearance. Let's just blame it on a mix of cabin fever and artistic frustration. I needed a little breather time, as well as time to focus more on what I do. Sorry to say, but I won't be posting every day anymore. For a time it was good, and it did keep me busy, but overall I didn't feel I was advancing or learning, really. Just doing. Yeah, doing is good, makes sure those creative machines don't rust, but I found it also wasn't giving me time to focus. So, long short, Project 365 comes to an end with 48 days posting.

Heck, I'm surprised I made it more than 10.

I will still be posting my work from time to time. To ensure I do at least once a week, I went and joined Art Jumble, so check that out from time to time. I'm also working on a small animation. Just doing bits here and there, I'll be sure to post something when it develops.

In other news, I managed to get a "client" of sorts. If you remember my drawing of the Karaoke MC from a while back, well I showed it to him and he loved it, so I'm doing more for him.

Yay, my first paying gig.

Well, that's all for now, till next time!

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