Sunday, February 1, 2009

032 - Wayback Flashback

Here's an extreeeeeeemly old pic of two of my very first characters, Draco (left) and Mega Bug (right). From around elementary school times, well over 11 years ago now. Their story goes, two kids were exploring an old, mysterious mansion and are doused with a mysterious chemical that transforms them into these guys. If I remember right, I sort of co-created these guys with a friend; he was Draco and I was Mega Bug.

In the spirit of having a new(er) pic each day, here's a recent revamp attempt that I started and ditched:

That unfinished guy in the back is Ninjasquito, a latter addition to the crew. There is actually a whole cast of characters, good and evil. I'll be coming back to these guys for sure in the future, so I'll flesh out the details then.

Thanks for stoppin'!

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